1 The function failed 2 The action was not found. 3 The action failed 4 The user suspended the installation 5 The user canceled the action 6 A failure occurred while calling the custom action 7 An invalid or inactive handle was supplied 8 The handle state was invalid 9 An invalid parameter was passed to the function 10 The action indicates that the remaining actions should be skipped 11 The function succeeded 12 Unable to load DLL 13 McAfee Custom Action Error 14 Unable to register '%s' ( %d). 15 Error unregistering '%s' (%d). 16 The directory specified was not found in the Directory table (%d). \n\nCustom Action = %s\nMSI function called = %s. 17 An invalid or inactive handle was supplied (%d). \n\nCustom Action = %s\nMSI function called = %s. 18 An invalid parameter was supplied (%d). \n\nCustom Action = %s\nMSI function called = %s. 19 A buffer was too small to hold the entire value (%d). \n\nCustom Action = %s\nMSI function called = %s. 20 The function succeeded (%d). \n\nCustom Action = %s\nMSI function called = %s. 21 Unable to launch the command '%s' [%d]. 22 Unable to get handle to MSI database [%s]. 23 Getting void HkLcl::UninstallTaskMaster() handle failed (%d). 24 Unable to load DLL '%s' (%d).